Our Vision
We exist to bring the light of the Gospel to the darkness of addiction in South Philadelphia.
Our Mission
We provide a full range of support services that meet people wherever they are in their recovery journey and gives them the spiritual and practical tools they need to walk a new life in Jesus Christ.
What We Believe
Addiction is a sociological, psychological, and spiritual problem. The person and work of Jesus Christ addresses all three of these factors.
The good news of Jesus teaches us that we are to welcome everyone to come as they are without judgment of past decisions or failures, or with stigmas of their sin struggles.
The good news of Jesus is meant to be experienced and applied in the community of the local church. Lasting transformation is best fostered within the relationships of the church.
The end goal of an addiction ministry is to help individuals be established in a new identity and purpose in Christ, transforming them successfully back into a contributing person in society.
Our Ministry
Multiple levels of support designed to help people at all stages in their recovery journey.
Hope House
Our 10-bed recovery house and discipleship program for men. We approach recovery in three phases and integrate residents into the life of the local church.
Weekly and bi-weekly open peer support meetings. Facilitated by our trained staff and volunteers or run in partnership with trusted recovery organizations.
Workshops, classes, and events designed to help those in recovery learn necessary life skills and to equip members of the community to help those in addiction.
One-on-one counseling sessions with a Certified Recovery Specialist (CRS) that guide men and women though our Individual Recovery Plans (IRPs).

“God welcomes us to come to Him as we are, but He loves us too much to leave us as we are. The power of God's love is not just that He welcomes everyone, but that He can change anyone.”
- Pastor Jeff Boettcher