How God Transforms Disappointment

Many years back I remember kneeling in prayer beside my bed in our home in New Jersey. I had always believed in God, and at that time I was attending a bible teaching church. My journey through various churches had increased my faith and strengthened my belief in Christ.

My testimony discloses that I was not saved at this point in my life, but it sure felt like it. Coming back to the prayer, I was in full disappointment kneeling beside the bed calling out to God. The reason is that at this point of my life I was in addiction using opioids and alcohol. The disappointment lingered from the understanding that while in active addiction God was not to be found. I did not sense His presence nor heard His voice. I thought He was listening, but forsaking me due to the practice of sin.

Now if that is not disappointing enough regarding the use of drugs and walking in darkness of addiction, I don’t know what would be! Through the practicing of addiction comes depravity and knowing that we are in a state of despair. The addiction finds us self-desperate, oppressed, bitter, and in guilt leading to an anguished soul. Furthermore, comes isolation, depression, and the anxiety of challenging social engagements, which can be compared to a diagnosed mental health challenge. Walking around in anxiety and fear constantly putting up a fictitious wall to protect our ontological state was the order of my life.

But God! We can be free from this bondage, “If the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed!” (John 8:36). We have hope through Christ and His compassion. We can be free and share this power through others who help bring freedom to the poor, brokenhearted, and captive people. Bringing the light of the gospel to the darkness of addiction.

We have power in the name of Jesus. Power that is working in us and through us as Sons of the highest God. We walk in the light of Christ through His Way, His Truth, and His life transformed to Eternal life in Christ. I finally came to the end of my addiction being transformed and born again through the affliction of addiction.

If you are a believer in repentance and born again, you have utmost power that is availible working through your life. The eyes of our understanding have been enlightened and we now hold all wisdom knowledge and understanding through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Walk in obedience abiding in Christ, and He shall shine the light of grace and mercy on you, receiving His peace, not the peace of this world, but the peace of Christ. Acquiring the Spirit of truth in our lives which is the Holy Spirit bringing to us the Power of God which raised Jesus Christ from the grave receiving true sobriety of eternal life. We have Divine power!

John Carlson
Executive Director, Transformation to Recovery


The Nature of Addiction


TTR and the Local Church